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Mohsen Doust Mohammadi

Mohsen Doust Mohammadi

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PhD Student / Graduate Research Fellow +357 22 208 700
Mohsen Doust Mohammadi commenced his role as a computational physicist/chemist at the Cyprus Institute in October 2022.
His primary research focuses on the structural analysis of atomic and molecular clusters that constitute aerosol particles. Employing quantum mechanical calculations and dedicated software development, his work facilitates an in-depth examination of the structure and properties of aerosol particles. This innovative approach marks a significant advancement in the construction of instruments designed for atmospheric particle measurement.
Mohsen's ongoing research centers on the advancement of methods rooted in Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, molecular dynamics, and kinetic theory. These methods aim to provide critical properties, such as electrical mobility, essential for identifying and analyzing atmospheric aerosol clusters. Notably, his recent investigations have resulted in the proposition of transition metal clusters as viable substrates for the fabrication of highly selective and sensitive sensors capable of detecting greenhouse and acid gases.
Mohsen's comprehensive expertise in computational physics and chemistry underscores his commitment to advancing our understanding of aerosol particle dynamics and environmental monitoring, offering valuable contributions to the scientific community's efforts in addressing air quality and pollution concerns. 

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