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ES 413: Atmospheric Aerosols (MAS)

Course Title

Atmospheric Aerosols (MAS)

Course Code

ES 413

Course Type




Year / Semester

 1st / 2nd

Instructor’s Name

 Franco Marenco (Lead Instructor), George Biskos, Jean Sciare, Minas Iakovides, Michael Pikridas, Spyros Bezantakos, Maria Kezoudi



Lectures / week

 5/7 (3hr)

Laboratories / week


Course Purpose and Objectives

This course provides the fundamentals of atmospheric aerosol science and technology. Starting with the basic concepts of aerosols and how to express their key properties the course will also introduce the students to sampling techniques for atmospheric aerosols through remote sensing and in-situ measurements. It will comprise lectures and hands- on training in the laboratory and on the field, using data and facilities from CAO and USRL.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will have a good understanding of the basic properties of atmospheric aerosols and they will be familiar with the necessary tools for conducting experiments and calculations for the relevant physical and chemical processes. They will also be competent in the fundamental measurement techniques used in atmospheric sciences, and how they are exploited at CYI.



 Required  None

Course Content

  • Aerosol fundamentals (GB)
  • Aerosol Measurement Techniques (JS)
  • Remote sensing (FM)
  • Mass Spectrometry and Hyphenated Chromatographic Methods for Environmental Analysis: Theory, Techniques and Applications (MI)
  • Aerosol in-situ instrumentation (GB)
  • Hands-on session in remote sensing (FM)
  • Hands-on session on in-situ measurements (MP, SB, MK)

Teaching Methodology

 Lectures / Field work and data analysis


  • Seinfeld, J. and Pandis, S. 1998, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, Wiley Interscience, New York.
  • Erwin Schanda,1986, Physical Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Springer, Berlin
  • Hind W.C., Aerosol Technology: Properties, Behavior, and Measurements of Airborne Particles, Willey, 483 pp.


 Coursework and exam

