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Part-time PhD Program

What is the Part-Time PhD Program Path?

The Part-time PhD Program Path provides a mechanism to accommodate PhD students that are not able to study on a full-time basis, normally due to being employed in a position in a relevant or related field. It maintains all the requirements of the full-time PhD programs of CyI, yet allows a flexible timeframe for completion. Should the students’ circumstances change, and provided good progress has been made, students can apply to leave the Part-Time PhD Program Path and join the Full-Time program, normally during the next academic year. The Part-Time PhD Program Path is only available to PhD students enrolled in the conventional PhD programs (ie not joint/double/industrial etc), and can only be entered into at the time of first enrolment.


Admission and Program Requirements

Applicants for the Part-Time PhD Program Path must meet the same admission requirements as applicants to the full-time PhD program.

The completion of studies requirements and the quality assurance standards will be safeguarded and followed as in Full-Time PhD programs, while the appropriate time flexibility will be applied to the timeframe of different assessment milestones during the doctoral studies.

For instance, the Comprehensive Examination will be held at the end of the 2nd year - beginning of the 3rd year (instead of the end of the 1st year-beginning of the 2nd year). In addition, the allocation of course requirements will be extended from the 1st to the 6th semester (instead of 1st to 3rd).

Duration of the Part-Time PhD Program

The duration of studies in the Part-Time path is normally 6 – 8 years; the upper limit being defined by CYQAA regulations.

Earning of Credits 

Students in the Part-Time PhD Program Path are expected to earn on average 30 ECTS per year (obtained during the two academic semesters and the summer term), and at least 20 ECTS per year to ensure ongoing enrolment. These will be credited following successful course completion and/or research progress as confirmed by their supervisor. Tuition fees remain linked to the number of ECTS awarded as in the Full-Time program, resulting typically in about half the full annual fees being payable per year in the Part-Time PhD Program Path.