DIAMOND: Delivering the Next Generation of Open Integrated Assessment Models for Net-Zero, Sustainable Development

In this project, CyI will further develop and considerably enhance the CLEWs (Climate-Land-Energy-Water) Integrated Assessment Model. Specifically, CyI will develop a CLEWs-EU aggregated regional model, in which the EU will be represented as a single node; develop a CLEWs-EU disaggregated model, in which the level of spatial resolution will extend to the member state level; adopt a more detailed temporal resolution by breaking down the model to at least 12 time-steps, which will consist of three seasons and four typical day-parts within each season to capture both peaks in demand, as well as variability in renewable energy availability; and enhance the model’s technological detail to increase the options that will make net-zero emission pathways technically feasible.
Constantinos Taliotis
Contact person
Theodoros Zachariadis
EU Horizon Europe programme
National Technical University of Athens (coordinator)
Imperial College London
Basque Centre for Climate Change, Spain
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research, Austria
ETH Zurich
SEURECO (Société Européenne d’Economie), France
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Comillas Pontifical University, Spain
ISINNOVA, the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems, Italy
University College London
E3Modelling, Greece