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Procurement Committee

Procurement Committee is the main body which supports and provides advice to CyI Offices concerning procurement procedures (for supplies, works, services and framework agreements). The main goal of the committee is to provide guidance to the Institute’s Departments, to ensure compliance with Law 73(i)2016, relevant Regulations and the Institute’s purchasing policies and procedures.

Procurement Committee has the responsibility to review and certify that tender procedures are in compliance with the Law and CyI Procurement Policy. The Committee has the authority to approve the processes for tenders up to €15,000 for supplies and works or up to €25,000 for services.  

The committee provides support with the preparation of tender documents and is responsible for the Opening of Tenders as well.

Evaluation Committee

Evaluation Committee is a three-member (at least) temporary committee, which is appointed before the submission of tenders by the head of the contracting authority or by an authorized representative [Regulatory Acts 201/2007, Regulations under Article 89, Part 3, 9(1)]. Members should be employees that hold the technical and professional abilities of the subject under evaluation. The management can appoint external members as well if considered necessary. [Regulatory Acts 201/2007, Regulations under Article 89, Part 3, 10]. At The Cyprus Institute the committee is temporary, appointed by The President of the Institute and chosen based on the subject of each tender.

Evaluation Committee is the body with the most important (in terms of essential contribution) but also the most difficult role in the tendering and contract award procedure.  In order to perform their duties correctly, the members of the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders must:

  • Examine carefully the tender documents.
  • Have (or acquire) excellent knowledge of the requirements of the Contracting Authority in relation to the contract to be awarded.
  • Be cognizant of the restrictions and requirements of the relevant legislation.
  • Undertake significant study in order to fully understand the content of the tenders.
  • Be familiar with the market to which the specific contract relates.
  • Possess administrative skills, knowledge and –if possible– experience of public procurement procedures.
  • Understand the objectives of the evaluation procedure and its role within the wider framework of public procurement.

Tender Committee

Tender Committee has the responsibility to approve and decide on tender procedures, leading to the award of contracts. In particular, it has the responsibility to take the following decisions:2. Award or Cancel tenders leading to the award of contracts.3. Authorize the use of negotiation procedure or other special procedure.4. Approve tendering procedures which are exempt of the standard bidding procedures (e.g. purchase of research and development services).5. Examine, where appropriate, the tender documents and ask for changes to be made before they are announced.6. Approve extensions of contracts during the period of validity of the contracts under the same conditions, if it is requested before they expire.7. To refer to Institute’s Executive Committee cases of contracts over €100,000 or any cases they consider that the decision should be taken by the Executive Committee. 9. To invite to their meetings if necessary, any person that may provide advice or explanations on matters of their specialty which are deemed necessary for the proper decision-making.10. Ask for advice from technicians or other experts he or she deems necessary for proper decision-making.

Note: Members of Tender committee appointed each time will also form The Divisional Committee on Variations and Claims (ΤΕΑΑ) of the Cyprus Institute.

For issues related to procurement processes, contact: 
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For issues related to CARE-C procurement processes, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For any confidential issues related to procurement, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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