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Financial Support

The Cyprus Institute offers financial support to prospective students based on academic merit. The financial support may be offered as a scholarship, research fellowship or work-study or a combination of any of these types of support.


Financial Support for Master's & PhD Students


The Cyprus Institute offers full or partial scholarships to outstanding students to cover tuition fees and/or living expenses. These awards are typically for doctoral students but exceptional Master's students may also be considered.  Scholarships offered currently are the following:

  Dean’s Distinguished Scholarships 
  The A.G. Leventis MSc Scholarship for The Cyprus Institute
  The Tsavliris Cultural Foundation and Ancoria Insurance Scholarship
  Graduate School Scholarships

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for Dean's Distinguished Scholarships can be found here.

The selection criteria for the Graduate Scholarships are:

   A strong application (i.e., solid personal statement and example of previous/current work) to the Graduate School according to the Scholarship Committee
   An online interview with the Scholarship Committee 

Scholarship Amounts & Duration 

  Dean’s Distinguished Scholarships cover full funding of tuition and registration fees and a generous stipend for living expenses in addition to an annual research allowance. The scholarship will be offered for the normal duration of the program, subject to annual review of excellent performance. 
  Graduate School Scholarships may cover tuition fees and/or living expenses.  The scholarships are awarded at the beginning of the Master's program or at the beginning of the PhD program for 2 years initially (and /or until advancement to PhD candidacy), and then can be renewed for one or more years subject to excellent performance. 


- All awards are made available subject to annual review of excellent performance.
- The CyI may occasionally choose to give priority in offering awards on the basis of strategic investment in the case of specific initiatives or specific faculty members.
- The number of the Graduate School Scholarships each year are decided by the Office of Graduate Studies based on available funds.


The graduate research fellowship position enables students to work as members of a research group in one of the Institute’s research projects through an effective arrangement for graduate study and professional training. Work on the student’s thesis may be considered as part of the Graduate Research Fellowship assignment. Graduate Research Fellows are considered members of research groups or units in one of the Institute’s Centers, working under a Supervisor.

Selection Criteria
Graduate Research Fellowships are offered based on academic merit, the alignment between the Institutes’ research projects and the interests and qualifications of the students.

General Terms of the Graduate Research Fellowship
Graduate Research Fellowships are offered for one year and are renewable based on the students' performance and availability of funding. Graduate Research Felllow are appointed on a part-time or full-time basis, according to the alignment of their PhD project to the Graduate Research Fellowship position.


Specific Graduate Research Fellowships

A.G. Leventis Research Assistantship in Archaeological Science 



The work-study scheme is designed to provide the opportunity to doctoral students who need financial assistance to be self-reliant and also to gain valuable work experience. Through this scheme, students undertake several administrative and research-related tasks at the Institute. Work-study is awarded annually, subject to the needs of the Graduate School / The Cyprus Institute  and the good performance of the candidate as well as on availability of funds. 

Selection Criteria
The selection criteria for the Work-Study awards are:

 A strong application (i.e., solid personal statement and example of previous/current work) to the Graduate School according to the Scholarships Committee.  
 For existing students, evidence of strong progress.    
 An online interview with the Scholarships Committee.  

Employment Terms
Students who are under the Work-Study Scheme are employed 50% of full time basis equivalent to up to 20 hours per week and are paid a salary.


- All awards are made available subject to annual review of excellent performance.
- The Cyprus Institute may occasionally choose to give priority in offering awards on the basis of strategic investment in the case of specific initiatives or specific faculty members. 
- The number of the Work Study positions each year will be decided by the Office of Graduate Studies based on available funds.


Other Financial Aid Opportunities / Current Available PhD Projects

See list of specific funding opportunities below. Please note that the list of projects below is not exhaustive and more available projects exist. Potential PhD applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors at the Institute before they apply to discuss their project of interest.

PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Biogenic Emissions from Urban Vegetation and Their Links to Air Quality)
PhD in Computational Sciences (MSCA Doctoral Network project FINALITY- DC13)
PhD in Computational Sciences (MSCA Doctoral Network project FINALITY- DC12)
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Innovative Strategies for measuring and characterizing atmospheric H2 sinks using Drone and Flow Chamber approaches)
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Integrated Assessment for Mapping and Combatting Desertification)
PhD positions in Quantum Computing - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Atmospheric Sciences) PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Sustainable Irrigation and Nutrient Management)

PhD positions in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences.  Atmospheric Sciences in Cyprus (ERC-funded project) PROJECT CLOSED

PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Multi-sensory Solutions for increasing human-building resilience in the face of Climate change- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme (MuSIC) ESR 7 - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Multi-sensory Solutions for increasing human-building resilience in the face of Climate change- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme (MuSIC) ESR 10 - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Computational Sciences (Quantum Computing) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Climate Impacts on Vector-Borne Diseases) PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Modelling of Upper Troposphere New Particle Formation Atmospheric and Climate Feedbacks) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Generative Designs of Solar Tower Receivers) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (3D Modelling and Analysis of Terraced Landscapes)- PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Energy and Climate Policy) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Computational Sciences (Project: Controllable Droplet Transport in Heterogeneous Environments) - PROJECT CLOSED

PhD in Computational Sciences (Project: HPC Algorithms and Software Development on Pre- and Exascale Supercomputers) - PROJECT CLOSED

PhD in Computational Sciences (Project: Development of Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms for Simulating Quantum Electrodynamics on Quantum Computers)
•  Joint PhD in Computational Sciences between The Cyprus Institute and the Lebanese University (Project: Mechanical Properties of Nano-composites via Multi-scale Modeling) -PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Aerosol precursor molecules and clusters; the role of base molecules in aerosol formation) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Particle Technology and Environmental Nanotechnology) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Research Project: Coupling Climate Change to Cities for Spatial and Temporal Variable Heat Mitigation Measures) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Science and Technology in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (Research Project: Reconstructing the chaîne opératoire of early medieval copper metallurgy in southern Morocco) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Reactive trace gases in the East Mediterranean and Middle East region) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences (Project: Observations of mineral dust and other atmospheric constituents using novel remote sensing and drone technologies) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Science and Technology in Cultural Heritage (Research Project: Reconstructing the Chaîne Opératoire of Technical Ceramics for the Production of Egyptian Blue From the Late Bronze Age to the Roman Era) - PROJECT CLOSED
PhD in Science and Technology in Cultural Heritage (Research Project: Raw Materials in the Production of Ancient Cypriot Ceramics: Sampling the Cypriot Geo-environment)- PROJECT CLOSED



Cyprus Government Student Grant

Students may check to see whether they are eligible for a grant offered by the Cyprus government to students pursing their higher education in Cyprus.  Details can be found on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport website dedicated to this topic.


Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation Grant

As an institution of higher education accredited by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, CyI students may be eligible to apply for a Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation grant. Interested students are encouraged to check whether they meet the eligibility criteria of the foundation in order to apply. For details and the application see: Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation website.