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Constantine Dovrolis

Constantine Dovrolis

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Professor; Director of CaSToRC +357 22 208 678

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Dr. Constantine Dovrolis is the Director of the center for Computational Science and Technology (CaSToRC) at The Cyprus Institute (CyI) as of 1/1/2023. He is also a Professor at the School of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). He is a graduate of the Technical University of Crete (Engr.Dipl. 1995), University of Rochester (M.S. 1996), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ph.D. 2000).

His research is highly inter-disciplinary, combining Network Theory, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Together with his collaborators and students, they have published in a wide range of scientific disciplines, including climate science, biology, and neuroscience. More recently, his group has been focusing on neuro-inspired architectures for machine learning based on what is currently known about the structure and function of brain networks.

According to Google Scholar, his publications have received more than 15,000 citations with an h-index of 56. His research has been sponsored by US agencies such as NSF, NIH, DOE, DARPA, and by companies such as Google, Microsoft and Cisco. He has published at diverse peer-reviewed conference and journals such as the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), the ACM SIGKDD conference, PLOS Computational Biology, Network Neuroscience, Climate Dynamics, the Journal of Computational Social Networks, and others. 

Selected recent publications: 

Selected recent projects:

  • EuroCC2 - National Competence Center (NCC) in High-Performance Computing (HPC), funded by EuroHPC-JU and the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) of Cyprus, started: Jan 2023, duration: 3 years
  • AGORA 3.0, funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) of Cyprus, started: Ma 2024, duration: 2 years
  • PROTECT, funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) of Cyprus, started: Ma 2024, duration: 2 years
  • Generative AI for Education (GenAI4ED), funded by Horizon Europe, started: Oct 2024, duration: 3 years
  • FINALITY MSCA Doctoral Network, funded by Horizon Europe, started: Mar 2025, duration: 4 years

Selected recent talks:


I am always looking for talented PhD students and Post-Doctoral fellows to work with. Please contact me if you are interested.

For more information about earlier publications, grants, etc, please refer to his web page at Georgia Tech.

Publications & Media