Partnerships and Collaborations

Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF)
STARC is being developed jointly by The Cyprus Institute and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF).A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with C2RMF for scientific and educational collaboration, particularly in the field of material sciences applied to Heritage and Archaeometallurgy.
Cyprus Department of Antiquities
The Cyprus Department of Antiquities and STARC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2012 vowing to continue and further develop their close collaboration in issues and projects of common interests in archaeology, the study and protection of Cypriot Cultural Heritage and related educational activities and public outreach initiatives. STARC collaborative projects with the DoA include the study and preparation of Management Plans for UNESCO sites in Cyprus, the application of 3D technologies in archaeological research, bioarchaeological and material analysis applications on excavation materials and finds.
Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia
In 2012, STARC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia to pursue collaborative activities and initiatives related to research and education in the study of Nicosia, as well as, to promote the role and importance of Science and Technology in the study of archaeology and Cypriot Cultural Heritage. This collaboration has already produced the very successful exhibition on the Antikythera Mechanism, and the internationally first time application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) photography on El-Greco paintings.
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
STARC has established a cordial and close collaboration with the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation focusing on the application of science and technology in the study, analysis and presentation of the archaeological and archival material from the collections of the BOCCF. In this context, the two institutions will co-organize an extended exhibition that will highlight the results of RTI photography on a wide range of objects and works of art from the collections of the BOCCf and other Cypriot museums.
Nicosia Municipality – Nicosia Master Plan
Besides in direct relation to the Leventis Municipal Museum, STARC has been enjoying a close and fruitful collaboration with the Nicosia Municipality’s Nicosia Master Plan and Technical Services in the study, management, sustainable development and preservation of the historic walled city of Nicosia. The framework of this relation includes the preparation of numerous research proposals and initiatives as well as the engagement of student research (Fulbright, U. of Minnesota fellowships, CyI PhD projects, Graduate seminars etc), in the study of the historic city.
Italian Ministry of Culture
There has been an exchange of letters with the Italian Ministry of Culture concerning collaboration in the field of digital libraries. This has led to the invitation to join an EU proposal that has been approved by the European Commission. Further collaboration is underway.
Municipalities of Geroskipou and Pafos
The Municipality of Geroskipou, the Municipality of Pafos, and The Cyprus Institute signed a Collaboration Agreement in June 2007 agreeing to cooperate for the establishment and development of activities of the CyI and of its collaborating institutions in the municipalities of Pafos and Geroskipou. They are jointly offering attractive sites and facilities for the location of STARC, such as marine research, as well as venues for conferences and summer schools. The facilities include the 'District Officer's Residence.' This historical building will house activities related to the Center and in the future it will be the headquarters of STARC.
University of Cyprus
A cordial collaboration has been established with the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU) of the University of Cyprus. Professor Demetrios Michaelides, head of the Unit, is a member of the STARC Interim Governing Board. Joint research activities are currently being planned.
New Library of Alexandria
In July 2010 The Cyprus Institute and the New Library of Alexandria signed a Collaboration Agreement reaffirming their existing multi-level cooperation. The agreement foresees the joint organization of research and educational programs. The research areas the agreement focuses on include digital libraries, studying, recording and visualization of cultural heritage and other areas of common interest. The formalization of the agreement will further strengthen joint research efforts of both institutions particularly the effort to secure competitive funding.
Established following a meeting in April 2019 (co-organised by the Cyprus Institute and the Embassy of France in Cyprus) of the francophone educational and research institutes from the Eastern Mediterranean, the Confluences partnership aims to organise a range of common training and research efforts in the fields of archaeology, history and heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean. As the partnership grows, it will reach out to natural partners in the host countries, as well as relevant authorities in those countries, in order to establish the broadest possible basis for cooperation around the region.