Program Overview
- Degree Awarded
- Career Prospects
- Program Structure and Requirements
- Program Courses
- Academic Calendar

"The Master’s degree in Digital Cultural Heritage combines two matters I firmly believe in – the theoretical education around cultural heritage and the opportunity to apply this knowledge to practical fieldwork. The variety of classes have provided me with a deeper understanding of the field, given me new ways of approaching cultural heritage through state-of-the-art facilities, and encouraged me to challenge my perspectives within a more diverse classroom."
Andrianna Nikolaidou
DCH Master’s Alumna
This is a unique program in Cyprus and the region, which aims to provide new scientific knowledge that will enrich and enhance the research and academic careers of its participant students. Furthermore, the postgraduate program will equip students with a wide range of transferable practical skills that will provide them with a significant advantage in the current and the future competitive labor market. The program’s goal is to prepare students for careers as scientists and experts in Cultural Heritage with a strong background in the use of digital tools and scientific methods. Graduates of the program will be competitive to pursue work in the private or public sectors of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Management, History and Art Architecture, Museum Studies or the Study, Rehabilitation and Management of the Historical Structured Environment.
Overall, digital technologies have become indispensable in the wider field of Heritage Sciences and Cultural Studies with relevant digital data being produced rapidly by both public (archaeological and cultural organizations) and private entities (museums, cultural institutions) of the wider area. The Digital Cultural Heritage MSc course will offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to critical challenges in Cultural Heritage research, conservation, management and public engagement through the effective use of digital methods and applications. Furthermore, the program places great emphasis on the methods and approaches applied to real problems in the field, in collaboration with key cultural heritage bodies on the island.
A key priority of the program is to expose students to the wide spectrum of digital applications in a range of fields from the humanities as well as from the sciences. The uniqueness of the program draws from the interdisciplinary research culture of the Cyprus Institute (CyI). As such, the Digital Cultural Heritage MSc program aspires to engage scientists from across CyI’s research centers and groups such as CaSToRC (Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center), EEWRC (Energy, Environment and Water Resource Center), Water Research and Management, The Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL), Climate Studies) as well as to include leading world experts from collaborating institutions (NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)/University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Cornell University, C2RMF (Centre de Research et de Restauration des Musées des France), along with experts in Heritage Sciences from E-RIHS (the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) and key figures in the Cultural Heritage management public administration of the region. STARC’s diverse scope of research projects provides a particularly rich context of research activities, which is expected to benefit participating students. For example, STARC is leading a Getty Foundation. Connecting Art Histories project, which provides an interdisciplinary study of historic Mediterranean cities and explores the role of heritage in the formation of civic and cultural identity. Other recent relevant projects are PERIsCOPE (Portal for hERItage buildingS integration into the COntemPorary built Environment), which aims to design and develop an innovative Building Information Modelling platform for the identification, classification, documentation and renovation of heritage buildings, or IH-AT (INVISIBLE HERITAGE - ANALYSIS and TECHNOLOGY), which aims to design and develop an innovative portal comprised of reliable and efficient technology-ready tools for the visualization, documentation, and analysis of the UNESCO listed churches in the Troodos area in Cyprus.
Students in the program may consider and pursue the continuation of their studies towards a Cyprus Institute doctoral degree, which can be well integrated with their MSc work. Combining theoretical with practical training, the Master of Science in Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) will provide a well-rounded education for students who wish to advance in the field of Cultural Heritage, defined in its broadest meaning, while engaging with advanced digital technologies and state-of-the-art research approaches.
Degree Awarded
Students who graduate form the program will be awarded an MSc degree. This is a 12 month / 90 ECTS program. The part-time study option allows students to extend their study duration to a maximum of 24 months. The program is accredited by The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education.
The language of instruction and communication of The Cyprus Institute is English.
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Career Prospects
The program’s goal is to prepare students for careers as scientists and experts in Cultural Heritage with a strong background in the use of digital tools and scientific methods. Graduates of the program will be competitive to pursue work in the private or public sectors of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Management, History and Art Architecture, Museum Studies or the Study, Rehabilitation and Management of the Historical Structured Environment.
Qualified students may continue on to a PhD, which offers generous financial support options.
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Program Structure and Requirements
MSc Degree |
Term 1 (Fall Semester) | ECTS |
3 Mandatory Courses* | 25 |
1 Elective Course | 5 |
Term 2 (Spring Semester) | ECTS |
2 Mandatory Courses* | 15 |
3 Elective Courses | 15 |
Term 3 (Summer Period) | ECTS |
Research Project including submission of Master's Thesis and Viva** | 30 |
*DCH 404 (Mandatory Course) is split into two parts: Part A (5 ECTS) taken during Term 1 and Part B (5 ECTS ) taken during Term 2 **Students can potentially begin their Master's Research Project Report as early as the first term following a discussion and the approval of their Supervisor. |
Program Courses
Academic Calendar
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