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DCH 403: Digital Innovation and Cultural Heritage

Course Title

Digital Innovation and Cultural Heritage

Course Code

DCH 403

Course Type




Year / Semester

1st / 2nd   (Subject to change)

Instructor’s Name

George Artopoulos (lead instructor)



Lectures / week

1 (1h)

Laboratories / week

1 (2h)

Course Purpose and Objectives

The course will examine contemporary transformations in understanding, accessing, sharing and communicating cultural heritage provoked by digital innovation. Students will be introduced to the discourse about the impact of the use of ICT to inclusion, accessibility and the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing specifically on good practices of co-creation, smart communities and the playable city for the sustainable promotion and use of CH.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion students will be familiar with current discourse of digital approaches to safeguarding heritage, the use of digital media and ICT for engaging with heritage and its cultural landscape, ubiquitous computing, tangible interfaces and online platforms for innovating in promoting cultural heritage and in particular the values of historic cities.



 Requirements  -

Course Content

  1. Design thinking for accessing and promoting heritage
  2. Internet of things and digital transformations in heritage management
  3. Participatory Approaches in Digital Cultural Heritage
  4. Digital forms of active engagement with heritage
  5. The impact of heritage digitization
  6. Exploring new ways of valuing cultural heritage for the creative industries
  7. Artificial intelligence and big data analytics in cultural heritage
  8. Digital strategies for mobile access to heritage and smart tourism applications

Teaching Methodology

Frontal lectures, laboratory work and applied research


  1. Chavarría Arnau, F. Benetti, F. Giannetti and V. Santacesaria, Building participatory digital narratives about medieval Padua and its territory.
  2. Mary Ann Moser, Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments.
  3. Randall Shumaker, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Designing and Developing Augmented and Virtual Environments.
  4. Steve Graham and Simon Marvin, Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition.
  5. Marcus Foth, Laura Forlano, Christine Satchell and Martin Gibbs, From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement.


 75% exam; 25% coursework



Publications & Media