3 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships for STARC in the Latest Call
Three new postdoctoral fellows will be joining our STARC team, funded through the highly competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions scheme.
Andreas Bertsatos will work with Efthymia Nikita in the project RECONSTRUCT. RECONSTRUCT will produce 3D morphable models for the elements of the lower and upper limbs of the human skeleton to infer the missing morphology of incomplete bones. Integrating approaches from osteoarchaeology, forensic anthropology, engineering, and data science, the project will maximize the data extracted from bioarchaeological remains.
Angela Celauro will work with Thilo Rehren in the project DE CADMEA. This project aims to develop a systematic overview of zinc-rich materials and related furnace remains from one of Europe's best-studied medieval mining and metallurgical regions, and apply the experience gained onto another important mining region, Cyprus, for which little is known about the exploitation of zinc.
Dilek Ozkan Pantazis will work with Nikolas Bakirtzis in the project SEABORD. SEABORD explores the making of frontier fortress-towns across the Eastern Mediterranean under Ottoman rule, focusing on sites in the Peloponnese, Crete and Cyprus and combining archival work, site visits, and digital technologies to map and visualize the development of Ottoman land and sea borders.
We are looking forward to welcoming our new colleagues!