In Memoriam, Richard N. Cooper
Following the recent passing of Prof. Paul J. Crutzen, we are saddened to share with you the news that our Trustee Richard N. Cooper is also no longer with us. He passed away on December 23, 2020, at the age of 86.
Richard Cooper, distinguished Harvard University professor of international economics, who held many senior roles in US government, was considered as one of the most influential academics of our times, with profound impact on economic theory and on economic and foreign policy, worldwide.
His achievements were captured nicely in the obituaries of Washington Post and Harvard Crimson newspapers and will not be repeated here:
- also in J. Frankel’s note:
However, his seminal role in CREF and The Cyprus Institute needs to be highlighted. He was instrumental in the formation of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF) and The Cyprus Institute (CyI), helping to define their vision and mission but also their policies, rules and regulations. His influential support of the Institute was persistent and of critical importance in the formative years of the Institute.
Richard Cooper (right), next to Guy Ourisson and Joshua Jortner at the Board Meeting of 14/Jan/2006 in Nicosia.
Many still find the enthusiastic support behind the idea of The Cyprus Institute coming from world leaders of the caliber of Richard Cooper, surprising and truly impressive. It is this kind of guidance and support that has allowed CREF and CyI to aspire to international excellence.
Richard’s original, incisive analysis of an impressive range of topics ranging from academic policies, history, climate change economics and policies and international relations was astounding. His insistence on clarity and principled stand on every question and issue was a constant source of inspiration in Board meetings, conferences or at the dinner table.
The Executive Committee of the Board in its meeting of January 26th, decided to honor Richard’s memory and to relay our sincerest condolences to his family.