Visit by French Members of Parliament to The Cyprus Institute
On Wednesday, 1st of December 2021, the President of the France-Cyprus Friendship Group at the French National Assembly Ms. Nadia Essayan, along with a delegation from its Members, Ms. Florence Granjus and Ms. Sophie Mette, its Secretary Mr. Julien Barbot, and the Senior Officer of International Relations of the Cyprus House of Representatives Ms. Sophia Tsouri, accompanied by Ms. Venetia Antoniadou, Officer of International Relations of the Cyprus House of Representatives, and Ms. Anastasia Pilotou, visited CyI’s premises in Athalassa.
Hosting the meeting was CyI Assistant Vice-President for International Relations, Dr Nicolas Jarraud, in the presence of EEWRC Director, Prof. Fadi Comair, and CARE-C Director, Prof. Jean Sciare. Dr Jarraud gave the visitors a brief presentation on CyI’s current activities, as well as the Institute’s connections with French research Institutions (including the Confluences Network). The delegation was also given a short, guided tour of CyI laboratories and other research infrastructures. In addition, the visitors had the opportunity to meet and discuss with French students from CyI’s Graduate School.
Finally, the delegation expressed their thanks for the opportunity to visit and congratulated the administration and the scientists of the Institute for the impressive, modern facilities and their research achievements.