Visit by Mr William Stange, US Foreign Service Officer and Ms Cleopatra Kitti, Founder of the Mediterranean Growth Initiative, to CyI
On Friday, 27th of May 2022, Mr. William Stange, US Foreign Service Officer at the USA Embassy in Nicosia, and Ms. Cleopatra Kitti, Founder of the Mediterranean Growth Initiative, had a meeting with members of senior staff of The Cyprus Institute at its premises in Athalassa in Nicosia.
Hosting the meeting was CyI Director of Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC), Prof. Fadi Comair, who gave a brief presentation on EEWRC and its activities, as well as on the Hydrodiplomacy Partnership Program, in the presence of CyI Assistant Vice President for Institute Affairs, Dr Nicolas Jarraud, who presented an overview of the Institute’s educational and research activities.
Lastly, both sides agreed to work closely together to further enhance and explore new areas of cooperation.