Visit by the Australian High Commissioner, H.E. Ms Fiona McKergow, to CyI
On Tuesday, 14th of June 2022, the Australian High Commissioner to Cyprus, H.E. Ms Fiona Mckergow, visited The Cyprus Institute (CyI) premises in Athalassa, to discuss areas of common interest for cooperation.
Hosting the meeting was CyI President, Prof. Costas Papanicolas, in the presence of CyI Assistant Vice President for Institute Affairs, Dr Nicolas Jarraud, EEWRC Director, Prof. Fadi Comair, STARC Director, Prof. Thilo Rehren, CyI Associate Research Scientist in Energy Policy, Dr Nestor Fylaktos, and Scientific Coordinator for Climate Change Initiative in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (EMME-CCI), Dr Christiana Katti.
The Australian High Commissioner was given a general presentation on the Institute’s research and educational activities by Dr Nicolas Jarraud, and an overall presentation on EMME-CCI by Dr Christiana Katti. The Australian diplomat’s visit ended with a tour led by Dr Nicolas Jarraud of selected CyI research facilities such as the Graduate School, the USRL, the HPC facility, the Environmental Archaeology Lab, and the Osteoarchaeology Lab.
Finally, the High Commissioner expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to visit and congratulated the CyI administration and researchers for their research and achievements.