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Mihalis Vrekoussis

Mihalis Vrekoussis

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Professor +357 22 208698

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Studies and experience
Mihalis received his B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Crete, Greece, in 1999. In 2002 and 2005, he received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in environmental and analytical chemistry from the same university, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute (Mainz) in Germany. His Ph.D thesis was entitled “Nitrate radicals (NO3.): Their role in controlling the Nitrogen cycle and the Oxidizing Capacity of the atmosphere”.
He has been employed as a post-doc researcher by the ECPL laboratory in Crete (2005-2006), the IUP institute in Bremen (2006-2009, A.v.Humboldt and Marie Curie consecutive fellowships) and the Academy of Athens (2010-2012). In 2012, he joined the Environmental Energy, Environment and Water Research Center of the Cyprus Institute as a Research Scientist.
Since July 2015, Mihalis is a tenured professor at the University of Bremen in Germany and an adjunct professor at the Cyprus Institute. Mihalis has more than 25 years of experience in atmospheric chemistry and physics and he is an author of more than 90 peer reviewed publications and 300 presentation in international conferences. Since 2000, Mihalis worked full time as a principle investigator/scientific partner in 30 national and international projects.


Research interests 

Mihalis’ research interests lie in atmospheric chemistry and physics fields focusing on air quality observations and numerical simulations. The first area of interest involves in situ, ground based and space-based remote sensing observations of major anthropogenic pollutants including short and long-lived trace gases, radicals and particulate matter. For the latter, the focus is to use various levels of information based on the optical-physical and chemical properties of aerosols (e.g. size distribution, concentrations, extinction, chemical composition) in order to draw conclusions on the origin and emission strengths of air masses impacting on regional air quality.

The second field of interest is related to numerical simulations based on the box (0D) and chemical transport (3D) models. The main research goal here is to understand the complex mechanisms and processes controlling the emission, transport, transformation and removal of natural and manmade trace species having an impact on air quality, climate and human health.

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