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AGWATER Stakeholder Meeting: connecting climate, water, crops and policies

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The Cyprus Institute together with the Agricultural Research Institute, the Cyprus Meteorological Service, the Geological Survey Department and the Cyprus University of Technology are cooperating in a new project called AGWATER. The project aims to develop recommendations for climate change adaptation and water use for the agricultural sector in Cyprus.

The Cyprus Institute recently organized a meeting with the various collaborators of the project and other government departments including the Department of Agriculture, the Water Development Department and the Cyprus Agricultural Payment Organization to evaluate the options for sustainable agricultural production and water use in Cyprus under climate change. Climate change modelling research, conducted at The Cyprus Institute shows that Cyprus will become even hotter and drier in the future. Adriana Bruggeman from the Cyprus Institute and Stelios Pashiardis from the Cyprus Meteorological Service illustrated in the meeting how the two institutions will develop and use high resolution climate projections for Cyprus.

AGWATER Stakeholders meeting attendees

The Mediterranean climate of Cyprus is increasingly affected by extreme temperatures and droughts as a result of global climate change. The country is also feeling the pressure of the economic crisis and European environmental policies. The agricultural sector is particularly exposed to these changes. Although the relative importance of agriculture to the national economy has decreased over the years, it still forms an important part of our cultural heritage and provides fresh local produce, scenic landscapes and jobs.

The project duration is two years and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation.




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