High performance computing speeds up the low carbon energy transition
On October 5th and 6th, the EoCoE (Energy Oriented Center of Excellence) project was officially launched. EoCoE will use the tremendous potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructure to foster and accelerate the European transition to a reliable and low carbon energy supply.
EoCoE is one of the 8 centers of excellence in computing applications recently established within the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. The primary objective of all the newly formed Centres of Excellence is to help strengthen Europe’s leadership in HPC applications by tackling various challenges in important areas like renewable energy, materials modelling and design, molecular and atomic modelling, climate change, Global Systems Science, bio-molecular research, and tools to improve HPC applications performance.
With a total budget of 5.5 M€, EoCoE will assist the energy transition via targeted support to four pillars of carbon-free energy: Meteorology, Materials, Water and Fusion, each with a heavy reliance on numerical modeling. These four pillars will be anchored within a strong transversal multidisciplinary basis providing high-end expertise in applied mathematics and High Performance Computing (HPC). EoCoE, led by Maison de la Simulation (France), is structured around a Franco-German hub (Maison de la Simulation - Jülich Research Centre) coordinating a pan-European network, gathering a total of 8 countries and 23 teams. Its partners are strongly engaged in both the HPC and energy fields.
The Cyprus Institute’s Cy-Tera HPC facilities will be one of the infrastructures contributing to the project. The CyI is also leading the dissemination efforts of the project, and will put at the disposal of the project its knowledge in terms of visualization and renewable energies.