Signing Ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between The Cyprus Institute and the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)
A Signing Ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between The Cyprus Institute and the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) was held on 19th of June 2012, formalizing the already existing cooperation between the two institutions. The ceremony took place at The Cyprus Institute’s premises in Athalassa, Nicosia.
Through the Memorandum of Understanding, the two institutions will carry out joint research projects; organize joint seminars, symposia, and other scientific meetings and will facilitate exchange of scientists and students. The scientific area of focus will be solar energy with specific focus on concentrated solar energy and its applications to electricity production and seawater desalination. Expansion into other scientific fields of common interest will follow.
ENEA is a public undertaking operating in the fields of energy, the environment and new technologies to support competitiveness and sustainable development. Nearly half of ENEA’s approximately 3200 employees are researchers and engineers operating in ten research centres located across Italy. Among others ENEA’s fields of activities are renewable and clean energies, new fuels, higher energy efficiency, development of environmentally-friendly products and processes, waste cycle, water treatment, and CO2 capture.
Collaborations with renowned international institutions such as ENEA, are of strategic importance both for CyI and Cyprus, given the huge potential and wide applicability of solar energy in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Renewable energy sources research and technologies comprise one of the most challenging and promising fields for the future. By adopting ambitious quality objectives and by securing the collaboration of prestigious institutions through major strategic agreements, The Cyprus Institute is becoming one of the leading regional scientific centers with excellent prospects for further development.
Dr. Fabrizio Fabrizi, head of the Laboratory of Thermodynamics Solar represented the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
The ceremony was attended and addressed by the Minister of Health and Chairman of the Competitiveness Council during Cyprus’ EU presidency, Dr. Stavros Malas, the Ambassador of Italy in Cyprus H.E. Mr. Alfredo Bastianelli and the Permanent Secretary of the Planning Bureau, Mr. George Georgiou.
The Minister of Health stressed the importance of transforming Cyprus into a regional energy center, through the utilization of renewable energy resources and in particular solar energy, which still remains a largely untapped form of energy for our country. The Minister expressed his support to the scientific work carried out by CyI and said that Research and Innovation can offer solutions to overcome the current economic crisis.