Theo Economou

Theo Economou

Position Email Telephone
Adjunct Associate Professor +357 22 397 583

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Theo has a BSc in Mathematics and a PhD in Statistics from the University of Exeter and was a senior lecturer at Exeter until 2021. He is a statistical data scientist, with over 15 years of experience in developing and applying statistical solutions to real world problems. In particular, he has extensive experience in weather and climate applications and for the period 2015-2021 he has worked as a statistical consultant for the UK Met Office. He is primary research interest is in climate change and health.

For a current publications list see his google scholar page.

Some of his current research interests include 

  • The development of practical data blending approaches for integration of big weather/climate data
  • Bayesian hierarchical models for the correction of contaminated observations of weather data
  • Modelling of big space-time weather/climate multivariate data
  • Bayesian Generalised Additive Models for angular data
  • Statistical post-processing of weather forecasts
  • Bias-correction of physical model output


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