Kick Off Meeting for the Erasmus+ Digital Curator Training & Tool Box (DCbox) Project
On Wednesday, 23rd of February 2022, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Digital Curator Training & Tool Box (DCbox) project, was held virtually. The main goal of DCbox, funded through the KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education schema, is to create a new generation of European professionals working in the cultural heritage sector, equipped with a recognised, cross-cutting and high-level digital skillset.
A team of STARC-APAC researchers, led by STARC Associate Research Scientist Dante Abate is composed of STARC Associate Professor Nikolas Bakirtzis, STARC Research Assistant in Digital Archaeology Antonia Agapiou, JavaScript (WebGL) Developer Kyriakos Toumbas, STARC Research Assistant in Digital Media / Libraries Andriana Nikolaidou, STARC Research Technical Specialist Marina Faka and STARC Project Officer Valanto Costantinou, will be in charge of Mapping and Designing of the project (result 1).
This project has seven different partners, who will cooperate to achieve the project results, including The Cyprus Institute, the Univpm Università Politecnica delle Marche, which coordinates the project, the University of Córdoba (Spain), the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Niš, the Unimed and Sinergia from 5 different EU Mediterranean countries.
The total project duration is 30 months with a planned ending date in May 2024.