Visit by the Executive Director of ALIPH and the Ambassador in Charge of International Cooperation in the Field of Heritage
On Thursday, 25th of November 2021, Mr Valery Freland, Executive Director of ALIPH (Alliance Internationale pour la Protection du Patrimoine Dans les Zones de Conflit), Mr Jean-Luc Martinez, Ambassador in charge of International Cooperation in the field of Heritage, and Former President/Director of the Louvre Museum from 2013 to 2021, and Mr Emmanuel Mouriez, representative from the French Embassy, visited CyI’s premises in Athalassa.
Hosting the meeting was CyI Assistant Vice-President for International Relations, Dr Nicolas Jarraud, in the presence of STARC Associate Professor Nicolas Bakirtzis, STARC Associate Research Scientist Dante Abate and STARC Associate Professor Sorin Hermon. Following by an introductory statement by the visitors, Dr Nicolas Jarraud presented briefly The Cyprus Institute and its regional cultural heritage activities, as well as the Institute’s connections with French research Institutions (including the Confluences Network).
Within this framework, STARC Assoc. Prof. Nicolas Bakirtzis presented CyI’s cooperation with the Department of Antiquities and the Cyprus Police on the protection of cultural heritage, and the fight against illegal looting of antiquities and works of art. The delegation was also given a short, guided tour of CyI laboratories and other research infrastructures, including Andreas Pittas Art Characterisation Laboratory (APAC), Virtual Environment Laboratory, Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, Human Osteoarchaeology Laboratory, and Archaeological Materials Science Laboratory.
Finally, the delegation expressed their thanks for the opportunity to visit and congratulated the administration and the scientists of the Institute for the impressive, modern facilities and their research achievements.