Visit by the Head of the Representation and the Deputy Head of Representation and Head of Political Reporting of the European Commission Office in Cyprus, to CyI
Ways of further strengthening cooperation between The Cyprus Institute and the European Commission Office in Cyprus were dealt with, on Wednesday, 2nd of November 2022, during a visit to CyI premises in Aglantzia of Mrs. Myrto Zambarta, Head of the Representation of the European Commission Office in Cyprus, and Mr. Nikolaos Isaris, Deputy Head of Representation and Head of Political Reporting and Policy Analysis of the European Commission Office in Cyprus.
Hosting the meeting was CyI President, Prof. Costas Papanicolas, in the presence of Mrs. Eleni Sophocleous, Assistant Vice President of Policy and Internal Communications, Dr Christiana Katti, Scientific Coordinator of the Cyprus Climate Change Initiative (EMME-CCI), CyI Adjunct Prof. Thanasis Hadzilacos, and CARE-C Communications Coordinator, Ms. Marina Papageorgiou.
Mrs. Eleni Sophocleous gave an overview presentation of The Cyprus Institute’s pioneering and novel activities, research, technology and innovation achievements, and about the Cyprus Climate Change Initiative, followed by a broad discussion on related issues.
The visit was rounded up with a guided tour led by Mrs. Sophocleous of selected CyI labs and facilities including the Andreas Pittas Art Characterisation Laboratory (APAC), the Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL), and the Linear Fresnel Facility.
Finally, Mrs. Zambarta and Mr. Isaris, expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to visit The Cyprus Institute by congratulating CyI’s administration and researchers for their excellent research achievements, major contribution to society and the economy for the benefit of the island and the entire EMME region.