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Marcel Frenken

Marcel Frenken

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PhD Student +357 22 208 700
Marcel joined the CyI as a PhD student in 2023, after receiving an MSc in Scientific archaeology at the University of Tübingen and a BSc in Biology and Geosciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau. His MSc Thesis focused on understanding pyrotechnological processes by studying technological remains, such as slag and crucibles with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). During his time at the University of Tübingen, he worked as a research assistant mainly on ceramic petrography using Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM) and crystallographic analysis with (µ)X-ray Diffraction (µXRD²) as well as bibliography management using citation software.
Research Interests: Archaeological Sciences, Archaeometry, Pyrotechnology, Ceramics, Technical Ceramics, Metallurgy, Glass, Pigments, History and archaeological remains of Science

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