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CyI News

  • Last modified on Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00

CyI Joins the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Initiative

The Cyprus Institute (CyI) has joined, as a partner, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative, which is the flagship cultural initiative of the European Commission for the implementation of the Green Deal for urban environments. The partnership will be coordinated…
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 08 June 2021 08:53

Kick-off Meeting for the EU “COLLECTiEF” Project for Energy Flexibility

The H2020- funded project aims to implement an interoperable and scalable energy management system to smart up buildings and their legacy equipment on large scale. Collective Intelligence for Energy Flexibility (“COLLECTiEF”) project, in which The Cyprus Institute is participating in…
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 14:24

Visit by the Commissioner for the Environment

On Monday, 17th of May 2021, the Commissioner for the Environment, Ms. Klelia Vasiliou, along with the Program Development and Management Officer for the Office of the Commissioner for the Environment, Mr. Kyriakos Shiakallis, visited The Cyprus Institute's premises. Hosting the…
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 14:24

Visit by the Ambassador of the Netherlands

On Wednesday, 21st of April 2021, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nicosia, H.E. Ms. Elke Merks-Schaapveld, visited The Cyprus Institute's premises. The ambassador was informed about the large number of scientific and educational cooperation efforts between The Cyprus…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 22 April 2021 08:32

EARTH DAY 2021 – The Time for Future is Now

On occasion of Earth Day, The Cyprus Institute calls for a transition to a more sustainable “normal” that safeguards against the unfolding climate crisis. Cyprus and the surrounding region are a climate change hotspot. We have no time to waste.…
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 06 April 2021 09:56

Visit by the Ambassador of Italy to Nicosia to Discuss Upcoming Joint Activities

On Monday, 5th of April 2021, His Excellency the Ambassador of Italy to Nicosia, Mr. Andrea Cavallari, visited The Cyprus Institute’s premises. The Ambassador congratulated The Cyprus Institute for its numerous and close ties with Italian Research Institutions, and expressed…
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 02 March 2021 08:02

“Science and Society”: English Subtitles Available Online for Earlier Broadcasts

‘Science and Society’, the joint TV production of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation and The Cyprus Institute, now offers the opportunity to watch previously broadcasted episodes with English subtitles, allowing the non-Greek speaking public both in Cyprus and abroad to follow…
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 13:48

EU Funded NI4OS-Europe Project Delivers its First Integrated Resources on its Platform

HORIZON2002 NI4OS-Europe project, in which researchers of The Cyprus Institute are participating, brings scientific communities one step closer to the Open Science Cloud and Open Innovation vision, with the on-boarding of 19 new services to its digital service catalogue. NI4OS-Europe…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 11 February 2021 11:22

Kick Off Meeting for the EU “SIGNIFICANCE” Project on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods

On the 27th of January 2021, CyI’s STARC/APAC, in collaboration with the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) and Hypertech S.A. (Greece), organized the kick off meeting for the EU Stop Illicit Heritage Trafficking with Artificial Intelligence (SIGNIFICANCE) Project. “SIGNIFICANCE” project,…
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 03 February 2021 11:19

In Memoriam, Richard N. Cooper

Following the recent passing of Prof. Paul J. Crutzen, we are saddened to share with you the news that our Trustee Richard N. Cooper is also no longer with us. He passed away on December 23, 2020, at the age…
  • Last modified on Friday, 19 February 2021 11:00

CyI Appointed Grant Holder in new EU COST Action Project “COST MEDCYCLONES”

Please click here if you are not automatically redirected. COST MEDCYCLONES’s aim is to establish a European network for the study of Mediterranean cyclones. The need for this action stems from the fact that there are still significant gaps in…
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 11:40

The Cyprus Institute Highlights in the 2nd CSP4Climate Conference the Importance of the Usage of Solar Energy to Tackle Climate Change

The Cyprus Institute (CyI) hosted the 2nd CSP4Climate International Conference entitled “The Decarbonisation of the Energy Sector in the Mediterranean and Middle East – The Role of CSP”. This year's International Conference took place online from 15th-17th of December 2020,…
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 09 December 2020 08:42

CyI Participates in EuroPCom's Virtual Market Place 2020

The Cyprus Institute participated in EuroPCom's Virtual Market Place 2020, the premier conference and networking event for professional communicators working in the public sector in Europe. This is the eleventh European Public Communication Conference, and CyI, via its Communications Office,…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 17 December 2020 19:55

CyI Organises IAEA Regional Training Course on Assessing Energy and Climate Strategies

On 2-13 November 2020 the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) of The Cyprus Institute organized jointly with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) an online Training Course on assessing policies for decarbonizing energy systems. The course involved lectures…
  • Last modified on Monday, 16 November 2020 13:41

Kick-off Meeting for the EU “SHIELD” Project for Safeguarding Heritage

On the 9th of November 2020, the STARC/APAC and CARE-C/USRL Labs of The Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy) and the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (Portugal), organized the Kick-Off Meeting for…
  • Last modified on Monday, 12 October 2020 08:37

CyI Researchers Among the First External Users at INFN DAFNE-Light Synchrotron Radiation Facility After COVID-19 Lockdowns

In September 2020, the DAFNE-Light Synchrotron Radiation Facility welcomed a researcher from BioMERA and FF-MAC projects led by The Cyprus Institute, and from SESAME, who was the first international user to be welcomed by DAFNE-Light since the COVID-19 lockdowns in Italy, Cyprus and around the…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 08 October 2020 10:58

CyI Study on Costs and Benefits of Reducing Agricultural Ammonia Emissions Featured in “Science for Environment Policy” by European Commission

Ammonia emissions, 96% of which originate from agricultural activities, play an important role in the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5).  A new study, led by Elias Giannakis, EEWRC Associate Research Scientist in Water and Natural Resource Management Research and…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 06 August 2020 08:12

CyI Models Atmospheric Transport of Pollution After Explosion in Beirut

The Environmental Predictions Department of The Cyprus Institute Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) has used the HYSPLIT model to track and forecast the potential atmospheric transport of pollution originating from the explosion of 4 August 2020 at Beirut, Lebanon.…
  • Last modified on Friday, 03 July 2020 08:58

Prof. Antonio Sgamellotti Delivers “Raphael and His Workshop” Webinar

On Tuesday, June 30th, Prof. Antonio Sgamellotti offered an exciting, and very well attended, webinar on the famous Loggia of Cupid and Psyche in the Villa Farnesina in Rome. The Loggia is named after its vault decoration painted by Raphael and his…
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 10 June 2020 09:19

ERMIS-F Project: Integrated Flood Services and Climate Change Awareness for Eastern Mediterranean Islands

The Environmental Risk Management Information Service (ERMIS-F), a Greece-Cyprus Interreg-funded project developed an online Environmental Risk Management Information Service, was recently promoted at the official website of the European Union (here). The Cyprus Institute, University of the Aegean, Polytechnic of…
  • Last modified on Friday, 05 June 2020 09:33

The Cyprus Institute: Statement for World Environment Day

The focus of this year’s World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5, is “Time for Nature” and in particular biodiversity, the ensemble of all living organisms on our planet. This richness is the result of billions of years of…
  • Last modified on Monday, 09 March 2020 15:04

APAC/STARC Researchers Participate in the Digital Documentation and Installation of Digital Imaging with Mosaics at Larnaka International Airport

A digital imaging composition featuring mosaics from the “House of Dionysos” in Kato Paphos has been installed at the main staircase connecting the Departures and Arrivals levels at the Larnaka International Airport “Glafcos Clerides”. The specialized images and preparation of…
  • Last modified on Monday, 17 February 2020 13:58

CyI's “SHIELD” Project Ranked First in Europe for the JPICH Conservation, Protection and Use Joint Call

Highlighted for the excellence of the novel concept, multidisciplinary consortium, and high-level of infrastructures available for the project (http://jpi-ch.eu/2020/02/conservation-protection-and-use-joint-call-results-available/), CyI’s “SHIELD” (Safeguard Heritage In Endangered Looted Districts) focuses on the customization of an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for the fight…
  • Last modified on Friday, 07 February 2020 09:41

Associate Professor Nikolas Bakirtzis Directs the “Mount Menoikeion Seminar” Organized by the Seeger Center in Hellenic Studies of Princeton University

This past summer, CyI’s Associate Professor Nikolas Bakirtzis led the "Mount Menoikeion Seminar", an interdisciplinary workshop (see the recent news item from the Princeton University website) that brings together students and faculty from a wide range of disciplines and fields of…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 19 December 2019 09:59

Launch of SDSN Cyprus: Academic Institutions in Cyprus Join Forces to Promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Cyprus Research and Education Foundation (CREF), Frederick University and Neapolis University Paphos, accompanied by representatives from universities, NGOs, and the public and private sectors in Cyprus, have launched the Cyprus branch of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN),…
  • Last modified on Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00

Prof. Costas Papanicolas Bestowed Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy

At a ceremony held at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador on Monday, 16th of December 2019, H.E. the Ambassador of Italy to Cyprus, Mr. Andrea Cavallari, bestowed CyI President, Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas as Commander of the Order of…
  • Last modified on Thursday, 05 December 2019 14:49

CyI becomes a EURAXESS Services Centre

  On Wednesday, 25th of November 2019, in a signing ceremony held by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) and the Office of the Chief Scientist for Research and Innovation, CyI’s President, Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, signed the Institute’s…

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